codify configuration, instant delivery
load("crawler.proto", "Crawler", "CrawlerService") def default_crawler(): return Crawler(user_agent="Linux", http_timeout=30) def main(): crawlers = [] for i in range(3): crawler = default_crawler() crawler.http_timeout = 30 + 30*i if i == 0: crawler.follow_redirects = True crawlers.append(crawler) admins = {'superuser': CrawlerService.AdminPermission.GOD_MODE} return CrawlerService(crawlers=crawlers, admins=admins, log_level=2)
syntax = "proto3"; message Crawler { string user_agent = 1; int32 http_timeout = 2; bool follow_redirects = 3; } message CrawlerService { repeated Crawler crawlers = 1; enum AdminPermission { READ_WRITE = 0; GOD_MODE = 1; } map<string, AdminPermission> admins = 2; int32 log_level = 3; }
{ "protoFile": "crawler/crawler.proto", "value": { "@type": "", "admins": { "superuser": "GOD_MODE" }, "crawlers": [ { "userAgent": "Linux", "httpTimeout": 30, "followRedirects": true }, { "userAgent": "Linux", "httpTimeout": 60 }, { "userAgent": "Linux", "httpTimeout": 90 } ], "logLevel": 2 } }
load("crawler.proto", "Crawler", "CrawlerService") def test_crawlers_not_empty(cs): if len(cs.crawlers) < 1: fail("Crawlers can't be empty") add_validator(CrawlerService, test_crawlers_not_empty) def test_http_timeout(c): MIN_TIMEOUT = 10 if c.http_timeout < MIN_TIMEOUT: fail("Crawler HTTP timeout must be at least %d, got %d" % (MIN_TIMEOUT, c.http_timeout)) add_validator(Crawler, test_http_timeout)